You must hold a valid national driving and vocational license at all times and other permits as may be required by the relevant authorities. You and your vehicle must also be covered with valid insurance as stipulated by local regulations. Be truthful about your criminal record. It is your responsibility to update and resubmit your documents when they expire, if they are revoked or as and when requested by Grab.
Examples of Infringement
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The following behaviours are prohibited on our platform: Attempted or actual physical assault, verbal or physical sexual harassment, rape, murder, kidnapping, threats and intimidation, and sexual advancement between drivers and users, whether consensual or otherwise. Do not ask overly personal questions or comment on anyone’s appearance. You are strictly prohibited from contacting your passenger after the trip for personal reasons. In a dispute, do not take matters into your own hands.
Examples of Infringement
You may be penalised under the prevailing law if you commit any criminal acts such as theft, robbery, possession of illicit materials or weapons, acts of vandalism or damage to property. We will work closely with law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute offenders.
Examples of Infringement
Do not commit traffic violations or drive recklessly that may endanger the lives of our users, and other road users and pedestrians. This includes complying with regulatory or traffic laws, speed limits, obeying road signals and traffic lights, using use of hands-free kit while operating vehicle, and ensuring your passengers (if any) wear a seatbelt. You should always wear a seatbelt or a helmet. Avoid operating your vehicle for long hours and take sufficient breaks.
Examples of Infringement
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Do not consume drugs or alcohol while you are on the Grab platform. Illegal substances, open containers of alcohol and weapons are not permitted in your vehicle. If a user or member of the public believes you may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they have the right to end the booking immediately and alert Grab or the authorities. Do not accept or deliver illegal items and /dangerous goods, including any special requests from users for goods and/or services that are not part of Grab’s services. If you have reason to suspect the nature of the contents of your parcel, please notify Grab and the authorities.
Examples of Infringement
Maintain your vehicle in a good operating condition, in accordance with industry safety standards and local regulatory requirements. Make sure you only use the vehicle that is registered with Grab.
Examples of Infringement
Maintain good personal hygiene at all times. Please do your part to ensure a safe environment for your customers, your family, and yourself. Regularly refer to latest official guidelines for requirements on personal and vehicle cleanliness.
Examples of Infringement
You MUST keep confidential all personal data (i.e. name, mobile number and address) that comes into your possession. Unauthorised collection, use or disclosure of personal data of our users is strictly prohibited. It is your responsibility to comply with local privacy laws and regulations should you choose to use personal in-vehicle cameras.
Examples of Infringement
You shall not refuse to provide services or make derogatory comments about anyone based on their race, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, gender or, gender identity, age or any other characteristic.
Example of Infringement
Honour a booking that you have accepted and do not unreasonably cancel jobs or transfer a job to someone else. Discuss and agree with the user before taking an alternative route. Honour all promo codes and discounts given to users. You shall not have another person or pet inside your vehicle while you are on the Grab platform. Wait for your user for a reasonable amount of time.
Examples of Infringement
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Be properly and decently attired at all times. For delivery-partners, wear your Grab attire so you are easily identifiable. Be polite in your interactions with our users and accede to reasonable requests from your users such as adjusting the air-conditioning or radio volume, and assisting users with luggage when requested. Users also have a right to a clean, smoke-free ride.
Examples of Infringement
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Communicate with and wait for your passenger at the correct pick-up point and allow them to alight at the chosen drop-off point. Confirm your passenger’s identity before driving off. Agree with your passenger on the route to take. Only complete the booking after the passenger has alighted from the vehicle or after the order has been delivered. Do not solicit users to make an off-platform booking or recommend other ride booking apps to them. Do not tamper with your food or delivery items, and ensure they are stored in the appropriate delivery bags.
Examples of Infringement
Always call the authorities first. Once all parties are safe and authorities have been notified, contact Grab to report the incident. You will be penalised using Grab Emergency Hotline for Non-Emergency matters.
Example of Infringement
Do not cheat or defraud Grab by any method such as sharing or creating duplicate accounts. Use only the official Grab application downloaded from the Google Play/Apple Store. Do not keep applications or devices with the potential of modifying Grab’s intended user experience. This includes location spoofing applications, rooted/jailbroken/modified devices and/or xposed frameworks. Do not complete a booking without picking up the user or order. Always provide truthful information when creating /accessing your account, or disputing charges or fees. Use offers and promotions only as intended. If your user leaves their belongings behind, you are required to inform Grab and make every effort to return the item to the user or Grab. Do not key in additional charges that were incurred from additional services that are not part of Grab. Make sure to maintain a positive balance in your cash /credit wallets.
Examples of Infringement
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Be cooperative and do not abuse, threaten or harass our Grab staff in our premises, over the telephone or on social media. These acts include unauthorised photo/video-taking, stalking and asking for contact details.
Examples of Infringement
Excessive cancellations, low acceptance rates and low ratings have been linked to fraud and safety issues. Keep your Cancellation Rate, Acceptance Rate, and Driver Rating in accordance with the prevailing policy.
Examples of Infringement
We value the feedback of both our users and driver-partners. We continuously evaluate a driver’s driver-partner’s performance and provide feedback accordingly. You may be required to attend training sessions organised by Grab to improve your service levels.
Examples of Infringement
Please note that this channel is for reporting of fraud/wrongdoings by Grab employees only. For violations by other parties such as Grab drivers, consumers or merchants, you may report them through the Grab FairPlay programme here. For all other issues, please report them through the Help Centre. You may refer here for a guide on how you can submit a report on the Help Centre. Make sure to use the correct channel when reporting an issue so we can help you out as soon as we can.
You may report any suspected fraud/wrongdoing by Grab employees via the following means. Please note that this channel is for reporting of fraud/wrongdoings by Grab employees only.
Online reporting tool:
Grab shall observe the following principles with regards to any such concerns/issues raised in good faith:
Violation Category
Driving without a valid driving license or vocational license
Penalties for Violation
Driving without valid required vehicle requirements from LTO and LTFRB
Penalties for Violation
Non-Compliance to any other LTFRB requirements for TNVS and Tourist Franchise holders for GrabCar and Rent by Grab
Penalties for Violation
Exterior and in car advertisements while in transit without a proper permit from LTFRB processed through Grab (includes but is not limited to sampling, car and bike wraps, car and bike boards)
Penalties for Violation
Driving without valid insurance
Penalties for Violation
False declaration of criminal record
Penalties for Violation
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Singapore 138498