Watch out for suspicious emails,
texts or calls that ask for your personal info
At Grab, we take security very seriously and work hard to ensure your privacy is protected. Which is why we will never ask you for your personal info or login details.
If you’ve received any email, text or call that you think is potentially malicious, we strongly suggest you follow these tips to keep your Grab Driver account safe and secure.

Do not respond to, click, or open any attachments/links from an email or a text message that asks for your login details, regardless of the source.
No one else should access your account apart from you. Not even Grab, your family and your close friends.

Before you key in your login details, make sure you’re on or your Grab Driver app.
If you have doubts about the authenticity of an email, a call or a text you received, you can always seek advice from us.

Tell us
We’re always on patrol for malicious activity in Grab. If you see or hear something suspicious, please reach out to us so we can better protect your account.