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You don’t need a huuuuuuge amount of money to invest
Maybe you’re just starting out. Or maybe you’re a seasoned pro who’s looking to diversify with something simple. With AutoInvest, you don’t need five figures to dive in. You can start investing with just $1.
It turns your spending into an investing habit. Ka-ching!
Every time you use Grab, an amount you choose will be transferred from your GrabPay Wallet balance and invested*. You can start and stop investing anytime you want.
*To see when you’ll invest, click here.
Transfer money back to your GrabPay Wallet anytime
If you have a fear of commitment, AutoInvest is your perfect match. With no lock-in period, you can transfer* your money back to your GrabPay Wallet whenever you wish. No fuss. No penalties.
You can then transfer funds from your GrabPay Wallet to your bank account seamlessly.
*Each transfer may take 2–4 working days.
Watch your money (and your pride) grow
Check how your investments are doing whenever you like. It’s easy. Just takes a few clicks in your Grab app.
Note: It may take 2 – 4 working days for your money to be fully invested and reflected in your AutoInvest plan.
You probably can’t buy an exotic island or pay for big things like your wedding, but with your AutoInvest micro-capital and earnings, you can pay for your day-to-day needs and wants with your GrabPay Wallet.
Your investments are placed in a portfolio of money market and short-term fixed-income mutual funds to create an investment solution with stable returns. The 1.18% p.a. returns* are net of all fees.
*Estimated returns are not guaranteed or protected.
Learn more about the underlying funds here.
Your money is invested in funds managed by asset managers with track records for consistent performance such as Fullerton Fund Management and UOB Asset Management.
Your portfolio is reviewed every quarter. We use the latest market data and forecasts to optimise for best returns within risk targets.
You pay an all-inclusive fee of less than 0.45% p.a. That's less than $0.45 per year for every $100 invested. We earn a portion of existing fund fees, allowing us to keep the subscription and redemption of units 100% free for you.
For details on fees, check out our FAQs.
In queue | GrabInvest has received your instruction to invest in AutoInvest and is preparing the investment buy orders for the Asset Management Company to execute. |
Currently processing | GrabInvest has instructed the Asset Management Company to process your request and your investment buy order is currently in progress. |
Awaiting investment | Transfer of investment amount from GrabPay Wallet to AutoInvest is in progress. |
Cancelled | You have initiated a cancellation on your instruction to invest and GrabInvest is processing your cancellation. Cancellation will take 1 to 2 working days to be completed and you’ll be notified once we have refunded the amount you transferred back to your GrabPay Wallet. You can only cancel a Transfer-in while it is “In queue”. Once the status is “Currently processing” the Transfer-in can no longer be cancelled as your investment buy order has already been submitted to the Asset Management Company. |
Refunded | GrabInvest has cancelled your instruction to invest and we have refunded the money back to your GrabPay Wallet. |
Invested | Your money has been invested in the investment fund. You can check details of your investment and its performance on the AutoInvest page. |
Transfer Unsuccessful | Your GrabPay Wallet balance is less than the automatic transfer amount you set in your AutoInvest plan. You can avoid this on your next transfer by topping up your GrabPay Wallet or by activating Auto Top-Up to your GrabPay Wallet. Refer to Section 1.16 on what you can do if your AutoInvest transfer is unsuccessful or declined. |
Buying | GrabInvest has received your money, and the investment buy order is “In queue” or is “Currently processing” |
Bought | Your money has been invested in the investment funds. |
Cancelled | GrabInvest has cancelled the investment buy order because you have cancelled your instruction to invest. This cancellation can only happen if you have requested to cancel before your Transfer-in to AutoInvest is indicated as “Currently processing”. |
In queue | GrabInvest has received your withdrawal request and is currently preparing the investment sell order for the Asset Management Company to execute. |
Currently processing | GrabInvest has instructed the Asset Management Company to process your investment sell order. You can no longer cancel your withdrawal request. |
Cancelled | You have initiated a cancellation on your withdrawal and GrabInvest has processed your cancellation. This cancellation can only happen if you make this request before your withdrawal is indicated as “Currently processing”. |
Transferred | GrabInvest has processed your withdrawal. Your money has been transferred to your GrabPay Wallet. You can check your transfer status in the “Recent Transfer” section in the AutoInvest page. |
Selling | GrabInvest has received your withdrawal request, and the investment sell order is “In queue” or “Currently processing”. Where your status is “Currently processing” you can no longer cancel your withdrawal request. |
Sold | We have completed your investment sell order. Money will be transferred to your GrabPay Wallet once all the investment sell orders have been completed. |
Cancelled | GrabInvest has cancelled the investment sell order because you have cancelled your withdrawal request. This cancellation can only happen if you make such a request before your withdrawal is indicated as “Currently processing”. |
Rebalancing | GrabInvest has created the investment sell and buy orders, and the investment sell and buy orders are being processed |
Rebalancing completed | The Asset Management Company has successfully processed the sell and buy orders. You can now see your latest portfolio allocation in the “Portfolio” section. |
The content on this website is for information purposes only. For full GrabInvest Terms and Conditions, click here
Risk Disclaimer: All forms of investments carry risks. Past performance is not a representative of future performance. Please ensure that you fully understand the risks and costs involved by reading the General Risk Disclosures found under the GrabInvest Terms and Conditions here
Any advertisements on the website have not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
GrabInvest (S) Pte Ltd is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore and holds a Capital Markets Services licence (CMS100908)
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Singapore 138498