Earn 1.18% returns p.a.* with just a dollar

*Estimated returns are not guaranteed or protected

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Watching this video won’t make you a gazillionaire, but it can show you why AutoInvest is your GrabPay Wallet’s new best friend.

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Invest, earn, and spend—all through the GrabPay Wallet

You don’t need a huuuuuuge amount of money to invest

Maybe you’re just starting out. Or maybe you’re a seasoned pro who’s looking to diversify with something simple. With AutoInvest, you don’t need five figures to dive in. You can start investing with just $1.

It turns your spending into an investing habit. Ka-ching!

Every time you use Grab, an amount you choose will be transferred from your GrabPay Wallet balance and invested*. You can start and stop investing anytime you want.


*To see when you’ll invest, click here.

Transfer money back to your GrabPay Wallet anytime

If you have a fear of commitment, AutoInvest is your perfect match. With no lock-in period, you can transfer* your money back to your GrabPay Wallet whenever you wish. No fuss. No penalties.


You can then transfer funds from your GrabPay Wallet to your bank account seamlessly. 


*Each transfer may take 2–4 working days.

Watch your money (and your pride) grow

Check how your investments are doing whenever you like. It’s easy. Just takes a few clicks in your Grab app.


Note: It may take 2 – 4 working days for your money to be fully invested and reflected in your AutoInvest plan.

Buy a little happiness

You probably can’t buy an exotic island or pay for big things like your wedding, but with your AutoInvest micro-capital and earnings, you can pay for your day-to-day needs and wants with your GrabPay Wallet.

How your money is invested

Stable returns

Your investments are placed in a portfolio of money market and short-term fixed-income mutual funds to create an investment solution with stable returns. The 1.18% p.a. returns* are net of all fees.

*Estimated returns are not guaranteed or protected. Learn more about the underlying funds here.

Best-in-class asset managers

Your money is invested in funds managed by asset managers with track records for consistent performance such as Fullerton Fund Management and UOB Asset Management.

Closely monitored

Your portfolio is reviewed every quarter. We use the latest market data and forecasts to optimise for best returns within risk targets.

All-inclusive fee

You pay an all-inclusive fee of less than 0.45% p.a. That's less than $0.45 per year for every $100 invested. We earn a portion of existing fund fees, allowing us to keep the subscription and redemption of units 100% free for you.

For details on fees, check out our FAQs.


When you invest with us, here’s what you’ll pay for:

AutoInvest management fee


(with competitor platforms, you could be paying up to 5% for subscription and 2% for redemption)

Management fees and other expenses charged by Fullerton Fund Management and UOB Asset Management. This fee will be reflected in the current value of your portfolio, as it is deducted on a daily basis from the market price of the funds. For details, check out the FAQs.

Around 0.41% per annum

Activate AutoInvest today

Definitions from A to Z

Frequently Asked Questions

You can find AutoInvest by tapping on the Invest icon which can be found on the Grab app Home tab or Payment tab.
Thank you for your interest in GrabInvest! Please ensure that you have updated to the latest version of the Grab app.

This feature may not be available to you just yet. As we’re progressively rolling it out to all users, you’ll be able to find us on the homepage of your Grab app once it’s made available to you.
AutoInvest is a micro-investment solution to put your GrabPay balance to work as you spend on Grab. It is linked to your GrabPay Wallet. When you use eligible Grab services, an additional amount of your choice is transferred from your GrabPay Wallet and invested on your behalf by GrabInvest (S) Pte. Ltd. (GrabInvest).

GrabInvest buys into underlying investment funds or other investment products as we may deem suitable for the investment objective.

When you withdraw money from AutoInvest, we will redeem the units of the investment products and the proceeds will be transferred straight back for you to spend via GrabPay Wallet or GrabPay Card.
Once you activate AutoInvest, you will be provided with a GrabPay Premium Wallet (Singapore) (GrabPay Wallet).

Please take note that AutoInvest is linked to your GrabPay Wallet, hence for every Transfer-in to your AutoInvest plan, it will count towards your GrabPay Wallet transaction limit.

For a GrabPay Premium Wallet, both a Balance limit and Transaction limit apply: Balance limit: $5,000*
*Top-up will be declined if the top-up causes the GrabPay Wallet to exceed $5,000.

Transaction limit:
i) Single spend limit: $5,000;
ii) Monthly spend limit: $10,000 (for GrabPay Card only);
iii) Annual spent limit**: $30,000 (per calendar year)
** Limit may vary depending on individual risk profiles.

For more details about the transaction and balance limit, please check here.
An account would be opened with GrabInvest when you choose to ‘Invest’ with AutoInvest. For us to satisfy our regulatory obligations as a license holder, we will need to obtain certain information from you. This is for us to know you better and for anti-money laundering purposes.

Please ensure that all such information provided to GrabInvest is up to date and accurate at all times. If you are unable to provide such information, or if it is incomplete, you will not be able to open an account and invest with us.

For providing and updating know-your-customer information, please follow this process

For updating your tax details, please fill in this form
The current list of eligible services are Grab Rides, GrabFood, GrabMart and payments to merchants through Grab. These services are only eligible for AutoInvest if the payment method indicated for these services are Credit/Debit Card, GrabPay Wallet, or GrabPay Card. If the payment method is Cash, PayPal, PayLater or Corporate Postpaid, those transactions would not be eligible for AutoInvest.
No, AutoInvest is neither a savings account nor a fixed deposit account. The amounts invested are not insured or protected by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation Limited (SDIC).

We invest into capital markets where prices of securities can go up or down and principal is not guaranteed. The risk profile of AutoInvest is conservative and investments are limited to short duration investment grade fixed income funds.
Currently AutoInvest is only available for Singapore Citizens, Singapore Permanent Residents (PRs), and Work Pass Holders.
You need to be at least 18 years old to access AutoInvest.

Please note that AutoInvest is not available for US persons (US Citizen, US Green Card Holder, or US Tax Resident) at this point of time.
You can get started with as little as S$1.
You may find details about AutoInvest by tapping the ‘Invest’ icon (managed by GrabInvest) on the Grab app.

Click ‘Get Started’ on the AutoInvest page to start signing up.

You can simulate your investment by choosing your preferred transfer amount on the AutoInvest calculator. The calculator estimates the potential investment amounts based on your recent Grab usage over the last 3 months.

If you are new to Grab and have no payments via Grab in the last 3 months, the AutoInvest calculator will calculate your potential investment amount based on the average frequency of Grab payments by our users on the Grab platform.

Once your AutoInvest plan is activated and the investment amount is transferred from your GrabPay Wallet to AutoInvest, you can view the value of your investments at the AutoInvest Overview page. The chart tracks the daily Portfolio Value.

Portfolio Value is the sum of the market value of the investment funds in your AutoInvest plan.This also includes the investment amount that has been transferred into your AutoInvest account and is in the process of being invested. Any withdrawal amount that is due to come in from the fund house is also included before it is sent to your GrabPay Wallet. You will also be able to see the indicative returns under “Returns” at the top of the Portfolio Value chart.

The Portfolio Value is calculated based on the number of units held in the underlying funds in your AutoInvest portfolio multiplied with the last available price as provided by the Asset Management Companies ( see Section 3.1 below, “Who does AutoInvest partner with for fund management?”)

When you withdraw money from your AutoInvest plan, we redeem your units at the next available price. If your withdrawal amount is equivalent or less than 90% of the Portfolio Value, we will redeem as many units as necessary to meet your withdrawal request. For a full withdrawal of your investment, the Portfolio Value may not necessarily be the same as the amount that you will receive as the transaction price is based on the next available price. It may be more but it also could be less. See further under Section 2 below for “Plan Details”.

All investments and redemptions, i.e., the buy and sell orders, are executed based on the next available market price.

Your investments will be actively managed and rebalanced. For more details about rebalancing, please refer to the ‘AutoInvest – Investments’ section of the FAQs, under question 9, “How are portfolios monitored and rebalanced?”.
For Singaporeans and PRs, your TIN is your IC Number; while for Work Pass Holders, your TIN is your FIN.
Currently, each individual is allowed to open one AutoInvest plan. However, we are working on bringing you exciting features for the future. Do check back regularly!
Yes, we only accept SGD at the moment.
AutoInvest portfolios consist of actively managed funds. Across our portfolios these funds have total expenses of around 0.45% per annum (for S$100 invested for 1 year, that is 45 cents).

This total expense ratio includes items like the fund management fee as well as other costs associated with managing the fund such as custodians, auditors, trustees, and legal advisers, amongst others. Any investor who purchases these funds pays exactly the same fees. The fees will be reflected in the price of the fund.

We have partnered with Fullerton Fund Management and UOB Asset Management Ltd to earn a portion of the existing fund fees, allowing us to keep the subscription and redemption of units 100% free for you. There are also no additional management fees for you. GrabInvest receives less than 0.2% from the asset managers (for S$100 invested for 1 year, that is less than 20 cents).

Through this arrangement, you will pay the same fees as anyone who invests into the funds.
AutoInvest is directly linked to your GrabPay Wallet. This solution helps you invest using your GrabPay balance every time you make an eligible transaction on Grab Rides, GrabFood & GrabMart orders, and payments to merchants through Grab.

For your eligible Grab service to trigger an automatic transfer to AutoInvest, your designated payment method for these eligible Grab services must be either Credit/Debit Card, GrabPay Wallet, or GrabPay Card. These eligible payment methods must be linked to your Grab account before you initiate the eligible Grab services. If the payment method is Cash, Paypal, PayLater or Corporate Postpaid, those transactions would not be eligible for AutoInvest.

Currently, we do not accept top-ups via transfers from bank accounts nor any ad-hoc transfers from your GrabPay Wallet. However, we are working on more exciting features for the future, do check back regularly!
Tap on the Invest icon on the main Grab app. View the AutoInvest overview page. Scroll down to find the list of “Recent transfers” or click “Show all” to see the full list of transfers.

Tap on the unsuccessful investment transfer to go to the Transfer Details page.

You may click “Try again” and the system will try to transfer the investment amount from your GrabPay Wallet to AutoInvest. If the transfer is unsuccessful due to insufficient balance in your GrabPay Wallet, you may click “Top up now” to initiate a top-up to your GrabPay Wallet and the system will try to transfer the investment amount from your GrabPay Wallet to AutoInvest.

The options above are available for unsuccessful transfers that happened within the last 30 days.

If your AutoInvest Investment is declined, it is due to one of the following reasons:
    (i) the unsuccessful investment transfer happened more than 30 days ago;

    (ii) for security reasons, we can’t complete your transaction. You may contact us at our Help Centre if you require more information.;

    (iii) you’ve exceeded the maximum value of transactions allowed for your GrabPay Wallet. Please refer to Section 1.4 “How do I open a GrabPay Wallet Singapore account?” to find out the Balance limit and Transaction limit of the GrabPay Wallet.; or

    (iv) something went wrong when completing your transaction. You may contact us at our Help Centre if you require more information.
Your Grab service transaction receipt will only show the amount that was paid for that particular transaction. There will be a separate receipt issued which will be shown as “Transfer-in (Investment in GrabInvest)” on the GrabPay Transaction Details page.
Your payment for your Grab service and your additional AutoInvest transfer are considered separate transactions.

Thus, if you only have sufficient balance to satisfy the payment for your Grab service and not the extra deduction for AutoInvest, only your Grab service transaction will go through. However your AutoInvest transfer will not.

The above assumes that your payment method for your Grab service is also via your GrabPay Wallet. If you have designated your Credit/Debit Card as the payment method for your eligible Grab service for instance, then the merchant payment would continue to be deducted from your Credit/Debit Card whereas your AutoInvest transfer would be deducted from your GrabPay Wallet balance if your GrabPay Wallet has sufficient balance.

To ensure that there are no disruptions in your investments made through AutoInvest, we recommend that you activate Auto Top-Up in the Payments tab on the main Grab page. This will help ensure that your GrabPay Wallet has sufficient balance for AutoInvest transfers.
We will invest the amount transferred from your GrabPay Wallet into AutoInvest on the next working day, after which your transfer status will change from “In Queue” to “Currently Processing”. The Asset Management Companies will confirm the investments with the allotted number of units and the price thereafter within 3 working days, after which your transfer status will change from “Currently Processing” to “Invested”.

The entire process where where your transfer status will change from “In Queue” to “Invested” takes up to 4 working days.
Yes, you may choose to cancel the transfer into AutoInvest via the “Cancel Transfer” option in the Transfer Detail page if the transfer status is still “In Queue”. However if the status is “Currently Processing”, you will no longer be able to cancel the transfer, and would instead have to initiate a withdrawal once the status changes to “Invested”. A withdrawal would be subject to the next available market price which is not known at the time you make such withdrawal request, therefore you may not obtain exactly the same amount that was transferred to AutoInvest.

For more details about withdrawal, please refer to the ‘AutoInvest – Plan details’ section of the FAQs under question 10, “Are there any withdrawal requirements?”.
Currently there are pre-determined eligible services for AutoInvest (Grab Rides, GrabFood & GrabMart orders, and payments to merchants through Grab).

These services are only eligible for AutoInvest if the payment method indicated for these services are Credit/Debit Card, GrabPay Wallet, or GrabPay Card. If the payment method is Cash, PayPal, PayLater or Corporate Postpaid, those transactions would not be eligible for AutoInvest.

However, we are working on more exciting features for the future, do check back regularly!
No, transfers-in from GrabPay Wallet to AutoInvest plan will only happen if you have completed your eligible services transactions (Grab Rides, GrabFood & Mart orders, payments to merchants through Grab).
AutoInvest will not count failed, declined, or cancelled transactions.
You can do so by initiating a cancellation of the Transfer-in. You can only cancel a transfer while it is “In Queue”. Once the status is “Currently Processing” the Transfer-in can no longer be cancelled as your investment buy order has already been submitted to the Asset Management Company.

In this case, you would need to initiate a withdrawal request via the “Transfer” section on AutoInvest page. AutoInvest will redeem from the investment funds and transfer to your GrabPay Wallet upon receiving the money from the Asset Management Company. This process will take approximately 2 to 4 working days.

A withdrawal would be subject to the next available market price which is not known at the time you make such withdrawal request, therefore you may not obtain exactly the same amount that was transferred to AutoInvest.

For more details about withdrawal, please refer to the ‘AutoInvest – Plan details’ section of the FAQs under question 10, “Are there any withdrawal requirements?”.

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The content on this website is for information purposes only. For full GrabInvest Terms and Conditions, click here

Risk Disclaimer: All forms of investments carry risks. Past performance is not a representative of future performance. Please ensure that you fully understand the risks and costs involved by reading the General Risk Disclosures found under the GrabInvest Terms and Conditions here

Any advertisements on the website have not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

GrabInvest (S) Pte Ltd is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore and holds a Capital Markets Services licence (CMS100908)