We all know what it’s like to worry about a family member who has to take a late-night car ride. If you’re a Grab user, you might have asked your loved ones to share their ride details, so you know if they’re on their way home safely. Chances are you’ve also booked a ride for a friend or family member who has run out of cash or does not have access to cashless payment methods. 

We’re pleased to say we have introduced Family Account BETA—a new feature that makes keeping track of and paying for your loved ones’ rides much easier. 

Starting December 7, 2023, users in Singapore can sign up for a Family Account. This will allow a Family Account administrator to add their loved ones as members, share their payment methods and keep track of where their family members are—even when multiple trips are happening at the same time. 

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Family Account will be rolled out across other markets in 2024. This means users will be able to add members who are in other parts of the region to a Family Account, and manage rides for their loved ones—wherever they are. 

Users want to manage rides for loved ones  

We started building Family Account because we learned that more than 50 per cent of users were already booking rides on behalf of family in Singapore, the Philippines, and Indonesia. 

About 62 per cent of respondents from all our markets also say they would like an option to link their family members’ Grab accounts to theirs. 

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The top reason for doing so is to check in on their family members: users want to ensure their loved ones arrive safely at their destinations. The next most popular reason is convenience, as sharing a payment method as a family makes things easier.

How Family Account works

To get the Family Account up and running, the admin simply sends an invitation to each member’s Grab account.

Up to nine members can be added to a Family Account for the administrator to manage their rides. All members have to do is book a ride through their own apps and leave the rest to the Family Account admin. 

The shared payment option allows the admin to pay for family members’ rides. They can also get a view of the transaction history of all rides. 

To put our users’ minds at ease, we made ride monitoring a part of Family Account. This means they can see the details of their family members’ rides without them having to share these manually. 

The feature also includes a group chat that lets the administrator talk to the driver directly as if they were on the ride themselves.

This is just the BETA version of Family Account. Our tech and product teams will continue to work on improvements to make the experience even better for our users and their loved ones. 

Komsan Chiyadis

GrabFood delivery-partner, Thailand

Komsan Chiyadis

GrabFood delivery-partner, Thailand

COVID-19 has dealt an unprecedented blow to the tourism industry, affecting the livelihoods of millions of workers. One of them was Komsan, an assistant chef in a luxury hotel based in the Srinakarin area.

As the number of tourists at the hotel plunged, he decided to sign up as a GrabFood delivery-partner to earn an alternative income. Soon after, the hotel ceased operations.

Komsan has viewed this change through an optimistic lens, calling it the perfect opportunity for him to embark on a fresh journey after his previous job. Aside from GrabFood deliveries, he now also picks up GrabExpress jobs. It can get tiring, having to shuttle between different locations, but Komsan finds it exciting. And mostly, he’s glad to get his income back on track.