Exclusive Healthway Medical packages for Driver Partners

Healthway Medical is dedicated to the needs of you and your family with a wide network of GP clinics located within your neighbourhood.

Healthway Medical GP consultation

Get GP Consultation at $13.91 Nett

Terms & conditions

  1. Excludes Congenital conditions and chronic illnesses (unless otherwise specified by the patient).
  2. Excludes Cosmetic treatment including acne treatment and cosmetic surgery
  3. Excludes Any expenses for treatment in mental or nervous disorders.
  4. Excludes Medical or surgical or other appliances including spectacles, contact lens or eye glasses and refraction’s or hearing aids.

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Healthway Medical GP Screening Services

Get Basic Health Screening Package at the following rates

  • $88 Nett (Pink)
  • $101.70 Nett (Pink With ECG)
  • $160.50 Nett (Silver)
  • $169.10 Nett (Silver With ECG)

Healthway Medical Executive Health Screening Packages

Prevention is better than cure. We provide personalised health screenings tailored for all age groups. You will be able to enjoy Executive Screening Package* at the following rates.

  • $267.50 Nett (Elegance) 1
  • $342.40 Nett (Superior)
  • $566.40 Nett (Essential)
  • $652.70 Nett (Premier)

1 Elegance Package is only available at our Orchard CentrePoint Health Screening Centre.
* Booking for Executive Health Screening is only available at Centrepoint and Downtown Clinics.

Book Your Appointment Now!

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Terms & conditions

  1. Please present your Grab Car ID/Staff Pass during registration
  2. All prices quoted are inclusive of GST, and not valid with any other discounts, promotions or privileges
  3. Prior booking of appointment is required and is subject to availability for Health Screening. Any changes to the date or time of appointment should be made at least 2 working days in advance.
  4. All items included in the health screening packages are strictly non-transferable to another party, non-exchangeable, non-refundable and not redeemable for cash. Any item not used in the package shall be forfeited
  5. Healthway Medical Group reserves the right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to amend any of these terms and conditions from time to time without prior notice
  6. Healthway Medical Group reserve the rights to make changes to the package prices in its sole and absolute discretion without prior notice.