DSI – more rewards for GREAT service!

Created specially for GrabCar Plus drivers, DSI is a new point system which aims to reward drivers for exceptional service. Get more in rewards for each GrabCar Plus trip you drive!

How does it work?

With DSI, you receive points based on the ratings and feedback your passengers give you:
At the end of the month, your total points for the month and your rank among all GrabCar Plus drivers will be calculated. These will then determine your rewards for the next month.

DSI Rewards

You will receive different rewards based on your DSI rank among all GrabCar Plus drivers:

Note: The reward amount is subject to change.

Additionally, the Top 10% each month will be given the option of opting out of GrabShare jobs for the following month so they can concentrate on providing GREAT service!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How will I know my DSI ranking and points?
A: An SMS will be sent to you on the first week of each month to inform you of your total points for the last month. Your total points for May will be sent to you as a reference.

Q: When will I start receiving DSI rewards?
A: You will start receiving them in July, and they will be based on your June DSI ranking.

Q: What constitutes a good passenger comment? 
A: Any comments which praises GREAT service levels and comfortable car environments, in keeping with the GrabCar Plus requirements. Such as “Driver was very friendly and helpful”, “Driver helped me with my luggage”, “Car was clean and comfortable”, etc.

Q: What constitutes a negative passenger comment?
A: Any comments which do not show GREAT service levels and comfortable car environments, and are not in keeping with the GrabCar Plus requirements. Such as “Driver did not help me with my luggage”, “Driver was rude”,  “Car smelt like cigarettes”, etc.

Q: I have more questions, how can I find out more?
A: Simply drop by 18 Sin Ming Lane, Midview City, #01-11 (Open weekdays 1pm – 6pm).