GrabFood Trip Fares & Incentives Guide

Enjoy fairer trip fares with distance-based adjustments, and top up your earnings with incentives – Gems (formerly known as zone boost) and Quest!

Trip Fares

Distance-based adjustments

We have heard your frustrations with long distance trips; being paid the same when it takes much more time and effort to complete. To ensure you’re compensated for going the extra mile, we’ve restructured trip fares to include a base component, plus additional distance-based adjustments!

Final trips fares (after distance adjustment) are shown upfront on the job card when you receive a delivery job.

Trip fares also differ by vehicle type.

Here’s an example, based on a trip for a motorcycle delivery rider:
His name is Ravi.

Ravi received a delivery job from point A (merchant) to point B (eater), with road distance of 3.2km. Previously, Ravi would have earned $5 in trip fare, regardless of the travel distance. With the new fee structure, Ravi would earn $6.90 – a 38% increase in trip fare!

Grouped orders: single pickup & two drop-offs for higher delivery efficiency

When you have accepted an order and are on your way to pick it up, there’s a chance that you’ll be given a second order from the same merchant. This process is designed to be as seamless and hassle-free as possible for you, and this improved efficiency for grouped (i.e. batched) orders should see you completing more trips in a shorter span of time!

Grouped orders are compensated based on total distance travelled, and both deliveries count towards quest incentives. The further the distance, the more you can expect to earn!

Here’s a continuation of Ravi’s story:

While Ravi was on the way to the merchant, he received a grouped order! The job details appeared in his app – it was automatically assigned, without him having to accept the job (great when you’re on the road!).

Ravi arrived at the merchant and picked up both orders, and he then proceeded to deliver the orders to 2 different eater locations. With just one pickup location and delivering to 2 eaters, Ravi earned a trip fare of $10.94 for the grouped order!  

Zone Boost Gems

Earn varying amounts of gems per trip depending on merchant location, day and time! You can keep track of the gems you earn directly on your Grab Driver app, and also view areas and time blocks that would give you the highest gems per trip. Applicable to all jobs across GrabFood, GrabMart and GrabExpress FnB.

Gems incentives differ across vehicle types.

How it works

Earn boost gems on top of your drop fares when you complete deliveries during peak timings!
  • Zone Boost Gems are awarded according to the time of your trip acceptance and the merchant’s location. Merchant locations are categorised into 10 different zones, with varying amounts of boost gems. Find out more about the zones here: Guide to GrabFood Incentive Zones
  • Only the first trip of a grouped order is eligible for Zone Boost Gems.
  • A minimum of x gems/day is required to qualify, trips must be accepted between 12:00AM – 11.59PM daily. The minimum required gems vary depending on vehicle type.
  • If you achieve the minimum required gems for the mission, your mission status will be marked as “Qualified”. Your collected gems will automatically be computed and converted to cash value.
  • Incentive payouts from gems conversion will then be topped up in your cash wallets within 2 working days from the mission end date, 23:59.
  • There are no acceptance or cancellation rate requirements for Zone Boost Gems.
1. Keep track of your total boost Gems earned for the day


2. View the daily Gems rewards by time and location


3. Check the boundaries of each zone – ensure you’re aware of where exactly to go for highest boost Gems !


The Gems incentives table will be sent to you in your weekly incentive email.

Quest Gems

Quest incentives differ across vehicle types.

Unified Quest Incentive: On top of your GrabFood trips, every GrabExpress and GrabMart trip will now earn you up to 3 Quest Gems!

How it works

Earn a quest gem on top of your base fares for every single order you complete!
  • All trips in a grouped order will count towards quest incentives.
  • Trips counted are based on trip acceptance time. As such, orders accepted past midnight will qualify as trips for the next day.
  • A minimum acceptance rate of 90% AND a maximum cancellation rate of 10% are required in order to be eligible for quest incentives.
  • If you achieve the required AR and CR requirements for the mission, your mission status will be marked as “Qualified”. Your collected gems will automatically be computed and converted to cash value.
  • Incentive payouts from gems conversion will then be topped up in your cash wallets within 2 working days from the mission end date, 23:59.

Other Compensations

Sentosa, Tanjong Rhu

With distance-based fares, you can already expect to earn more for long distance trips. To further thank you for your effort, you will receive additional compensation of $2 per trip, for all orders going into Sentosa & Tanjong Rhu.

Long distance compensation

Distance adjustments will be made upfront in your trip fares instead! Thus, there will no longer be a need for the delayed distance payment that you have been receiving.  

Frequently Asked Questions

I completed a grouped order consisting of two deliveries. How will my incentives be computed?

  • Zone Boost Gems: Gems will be earned based on the merchant location and your acceptance time of the first trip. The second trip of the grouped order is not eligible for boost gems.
  • Quest Gems: Both deliveries in a grouped order will count towards quest incentives.

My acceptance rate (AR) is less than 90% and/or my cancellation rate (CR) is more than 10%. How will this affect my incentives?

  • Zone Boost Gems: There are no AR or CR requirements for Zone Boost gems, so you can earn as usual!
  • Quest Gems: Incentive rewards will only be paid out if you meet the criteria. You can refer to the incentive card in your Grab Driver app (Home Page > More > Incentives) to keep track of your acceptance rate performance for each quest incentive period.
    If you have valid reasons for cancellation, please contact us via Telegram (@GF_DP) or call the GrabFood support hotline at 6902 1038 for help, to avoid affecting your in-app cancellation rate. 

What happens if I have less than the minimum required zone boost gems for the day?

  • You will need to earn a minimum number of gems each day between 12:00AM – 11:59PM, in order to convert your gems to cash. Unconverted gems will not be carried over to the next day.

Will I be compensated for long-distance trips?

  • Distance adjustments will be made upfront in your trip fares! Thus, there will no longer be a need for the delayed distance payment that you have been receiving.

How often does my Acceptance Rate (AR) and Cancellation Rate (CR) reset?

  • The AR and CR reflected on your home screen is refreshed every Monday of the week. However, for incentives, AR / CR requirements are tied to the incentive period. Refer to your incentive card in your Grab Driver app (Home Page > More > Incentives) to monitor your AR / CR performance for specific incentives.

What happens if the batched route recommended by the app is directing me on a route that is less convenient? Can I just set my own route?

  • While we understand that you may have a preferred delivery route, you must follow the drop-off sequence as shown in the app. The proposed sequence would have considered other factors such as eaters’ waiting time, which is an important consideration to deliver a consistent 5-star experience to all our consumers.

Do I get compensated in the event of merchant unavailability, or if I experienced long wait time at the merchant’s / consumer’s location?  

  • If you encounter any difficulties completing an order, reach out to us via Telegram (@GF_DP). Compensations will be processed on a case-by-case basis.

I just changed my vehicle type. How will this affect my incentives?  

  • If you change your mode of delivery midweek, your new vehicle type will only be updated in the system within the next working day.  Your incentives will then be tagged to the correct vehicle type.
    • Zone Boost Gems: If you change your vehicle type on Tuesday, any trips completed on Tuesday will NOT accumulate any gems under both the old and new Zone Boost schemes. Trips completed starting from Wednesday will accumulate gems under the new scheme.
    • Quest Gems: If you change your vehicle type on Tuesday, the quest count tagged to the old vehicle type will STOP immediately, and will only resume the next working day under the new vehicle type. There will be NO reconciliation done to combine trips completed under the 2 different vehicle types i.e. they will be counted for quest qualifications separately under their respective schemes.

My account got suspended. How till this affect my incentives? 

  • If your account has been temporarily suspended, you will not be eligible for incentive payout within the suspended time period. Upon reinstating, your zone boost and quest schemes will only resume the next working day.