Grab Riders Stories from the Frontlines

We always look forward to Labor Day as a holiday to rest, spend time with the family, or even go out of town. This year, however, is totally different. 2020 Labor Day calls for recognition and gratitude to all the front liners who keep it running so we can stay home and be safe.

One of our favorite front liners? Our very own Grab riders. Here are some of their stories:

Kuya Homer

This touching video from kuya Homer Lazaro shows how happy he is to help people get their food and necessary items, especially getting medicines for senior citizens.

Well aware of the risks, he is still dedicated to start his workday at 9AM. He knows how much his service means to people—to those who have no way to cook, or cannot leave to buy ingredients to cook.

At the end of the day, he comes home ready to take a shower first, before interacting with his family. His heart and faith are in the right place at this time, and Grab supports all their efforts by going the extra mile in making sure that driver-partners are protected, and reminded of their safety and sanitation measures.

Kuya Argie

Iloilo City is lauded for its effective measures against COVID-19 (Source). They have shown a stronger sense of community through these challenging times. And it is with the likes of Kuya Argie that meal packs reached the first responders: the police, nurses, and barangay tanods in their area. He also aims to help the boatmen, who are now one of the means of transports of healthcare workers. And just like Kuya Franklin (story below!), these are also one of his most memorable experiences as a GrabFood rider.

Don’t forget to always extend your thanks! Our riders really appreciate it. In the words of Kuya Archie, it brings him happiness.

Kuya Franklin

Kuya Franklin of Iloilo was once a part-time GrabFood rider, and has now bravely taken on the full-time role of delivering food, and serving the front liners in his own way. One of his most memorable experiences as a rider to date is serving his community so they won’t have to leave their homes to buy food.

He is part of the Iloilo GrabFood riders who set aside a part of their income for the week so that they can compile and buy meal packs to be shared with frontliners. They do this donation as often as they can (we heard they do it every week!).

Kuya Romeo

Aside from his family, Kuya Romeo gets his source of inspiration from his fellow Grab riders which he needs specially this time of COVID-19. He works extra hard in order to deliver essentials, specially if they’re for our #PinoyFrontliners

Nothing can beat the hard work and dedication that our Grab riders show! He admits that a simple thank you from his customers already makes him happy and immediately relieves his tiredness.

Kuya Bienvenido

Despite the additional challenges of being a Grab rider at this time (such as passing through checkpoints, numerous temperature checks, safety precautions, and etc.), Kuya Bienvenido still works hard for his family and customers. The key mindset nowadays as he say, is to always put safety first because this also means safety for our customers and for his family. His tip to fellow riders: Always disinfect! This is a way to take care of one self, customers and loved ones! 

Ate Lovella

Ate Lovella is one of our active riders in Mandaue, Cebu. Even if she consistently worries due to the situation brought about by pandemic, she still continues to work hard for her family and beloved customers. More than anything, she wants to thank her customers in quarantine – for their understanding and endless patience in waiting for their orders. 💚

Her message for her fellow riders? “Mag-ingat palagi at alalahanin kung ano ang nakakabuti sa ating katawan. Huwag natin ibaliwala ang mga safety guidelines sa kahit anumang klase ng panahon at pasalamatan din natin ang ating mga sarili para sa napakalaking bagay na naitulong natin sa ating kapwa.”

Kuya Andrew

He starts early in the morning and makes about 10 rides in a day, which earns him over P1000 — not including tips, of
course. He explains that sometimes there can be delays with food deliveries, as checkpoint lines can take to over an hour because of the ECQ. He sets his customers’ expectations, especially when there’s longer wait time at the restaurant.

Like all other Grab riders, he is also worried about getting sick, but they are doing this to provide for their families and serve their community. Kuya Andrew lives with his senior citizen mother and knows the importance of sanitation not just with his deliveries, but also every time he gets home.

Receiving some groceries, other gifts, and genuine gratitude from his customers like how Cha did only inspires him to keep serving his kababayans at this time.

Credits to Cha Calubaquib for photo

Read through the thank you messages our Grab customers sent for our beloved Grab Delivery Heroes!

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Want to express your thanks to our Grab riders? Read article below to know the different ways to do so!

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Paps Ikaw ba ay may Sedan o 6 Seater na sasakyan? Maging 4W Delivery Partner na! Pwede nang mag-deliver sa GrabExpress gamit ang iyong kotse! 
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