Madiskarteng Boss Club (MBC) members and other sellers are not ones to miss megasale dates like 11.11, 12.12, or Black Friday. These days, after all, present those with the brightest of entrepreneurial spirits the best opportunity to rack up as many sales as they can in a span of 24 hours. While consumers are busy bookmarking pages and promos, as well as adding items to their virtual carts on the days leading to D-Day, sellers are also huddled up with their team members in their respective war rooms, coming up with strategies to attract, convert, and retain customers.
Making sure that your store is prepared to meet customer demand on the next megasale date is easier said than done, though. These dates—usually with the repeating numbers—are the climax of every campaign, but there’s much to do before and even after the megasale event in order to maximize your sales and provide your customers with a hassle-free shopping experience—one that will prompt them to keep on bringing their business to your online shop.
Here’s a short guide to how a madiskarteng business owner like yourself can prepare your products, sales channels, and people leading up to a megasale date.
Prepare Your Store Operationally

To get the most out of an upcoming megasale event, you need to approach it with a carefully crafted plan. Expect the day itself to be very chaotic due to the flurry of buyers—which is definitely a good problem to have—even as you and your team shoulder the responsibility of fielding every question and concern from your customers and partners. As such, you need to come up with a game plan that will allow you to introduce a semblance of order in your online store and in the backroom.
Discuss Your Plan With Your Team
First things first: you need to align with your team about your plans for the days leading up to the megasale event. What are the things that your team needs to accomplish before the day itself, on the big day, and immediately after? Who’s in charge of what, and when do you need to accomplish time-sensitive activities? Also, what are your contingency plans for common issues like internet connectivity problems or delivering wrong items, for example? Your team members need to be aware of all of these so they can stay calm and support you while you’re raking in the dough using the numerous diskartes you have in your sleeve, even when things aren’t exactly going according to your plan.
Make Sure Your Sales Channels are Ready
After ensuring that everyone in your team knows what they need to do, you have to check your sales channels and prepare them for the big day as well. The last thing you want to happen is for your online store to become unavailable while your customers are demanding that you take their money. Do a load test on your website a week before, and increase your network bandwidth on the day itself so you can accommodate all your online shoppers. If you haven’t yet, set up your Grab Storefront to maximize all the benefits of being an MBC member, and enjoy another convenient channel for selling your wares and goods.
Offer Multiple Payment Options
Don’t forget to check the payment options you can accept as well. Remember that not having the right payment option is one of the reasons that customers abandon their carts. You can offer GrabExpress COD through your trusted Grab delivery-partners as well as accept cashless payment options through online banking and digital wallets, for example.
Choose the Best Diskarte for Your Delivery Options
It’s also a good time to check out the Grab delivery solutions that suit your particular needs. Remember that you and other madiskarteng bosses who have partnered with Grab have a wide range of options at the tip of your fingers. Regular instant delivery is always an option, but you can get the best deals and prices by looking into GrabExpress 4H and GrabExpress Multi-Stop Delivery. 4H is an option that lets you batch your parcels with those from other sellers and then have them delivered within 4 hours. On the other hand, Multi-Stop Delivery lets you add multiple drop-off points when making a delivery, which means multiple parcels can be delivered to different customers with just one booking. These delivery options will allow you to handle a high volume of deliveries while maintaining reasonable shipping costs for your customers.
If you want to avoid competing with other sellers who will be booking deliveries on the megasale date, it’s also possible to book delivery services ahead of time using GrabExpress’ Scheduled Delivery. Use this option to reserve the services of a driver-partner up to 3 days in advance, and skip the hassle of waiting when the demand is high.
Ensure That You Have Enough Inventory
Of course, checking that you have enough inventory to meet the forecasted demand is a must so you can send your goods to your customers as soon as possible. If you’re shipping items from another source or offering pre-orders, manage your customers’ expectations and make them fully aware of what they’ll be signing up for.
Make Every Effort to Market and Promote Your Brand

While you’re busy organizing your team behind the scenes, it’s also a must to make sure that your customers are well aware of what you have in store for them on the big day. Make it clear on your website and official social media accounts that you’re preparing something special for your customers, and they can only access the promos and discounts you’ve prepared for a limited amount of time.
There are plenty of tools that you can use specifically for hyping up your target audience and giving them every reason to drop by your website or other sales channels on the day of your megasale event. Highlight how the upcoming sale will benefit your customers, incorporate a little bit of FOMO (fear of missing out) element in your messaging, or capitalize on your customers’ desire to be the first in line—a madiskarteng business owner will use every appropriate strategy on the book to get and keep the attention of their target buyers. At the same time, it’s an option to use various marketing and advertising strategies to widen your audience and improve brand recall before the big day arrives.
Here are some of the tools that a tech-savvy business owner can use to reach their digital-native customers:
MBC’s Social Media Template and Hashtags
More likely than not, you have a lot on your hands on the days leading to the big sale. Lighten the load a bit by using MBC’s social media templates and hashtags to promote your business and your participation in an upcoming megasale event.
The social media templates and hashtags are designed by Grab and shared with sellers such as yourself so that you can highlight your upcoming event, emphasize the selling strategies you want to leverage, and direct your audience to your online store or selling channel. The template enables you to piggyback on the reach and popularity of Grab-generated hype while also capturing the attention of your target market.
Targeted Ads on Social Media Platforms
If you’re one of the many madiskarteng business owners who started their brand on social media platforms, then you’re well aware of how effective and affordable targeted ads are. Define your ideal audience on your preferred social media channels then design ads that will capture their attention and make them more aware of your brand and your upcoming sale event. Even just a few well-placed targeted ads can help raise brand awareness.
Before posting these ads, check the details twice to make sure you’re directing your customers to the right sales channels at the right time.
Use Different Tools to Convert and Retain Customers

Discounts and freebies will sweeten any deal and leave your customers feeling satisfied with their purchases. To retain a first-time customer and turn them into a valuable suki, you need to leverage a few diskartes that will improve their shopping experience and make them feel like they got the most bang out of their buck. Among these are:
Slash a portion of the regular price off special items just for this selling event and give your customers every reason to purchase your items during the sale date.
Bundle Deals
Speed up the movement of your slow-moving items by bundling them with the goods that are popular or those that you will be offering on sale. If a customer buys an in-demand product, for example, offer to bundle the goods with a slow-moving item at a lower price.
Who doesn’t love freebies? Offering exclusive freebies on your sale event will leave your customers with a good impression of your brand and encourage them to return.
Free Shipping
MBC members have exclusive access to GrabExpress cashbacks and promos. Why not take advantage of the discounts and cashbacks you’ve earned while using the program to offer free shipping and delight your customers? This diskarte will enable you to offer an exceptional shopping experience at no added cost to you or the customer.
Discount Vouchers
Keep your customers returning to your online store by giving them the incentive to do so. On your megasale event, offer discount vouchers that your customers can use on their next transaction to encourage them to keep bringing their business to your store. Be on the lookout as well when Grab Madiskarteng Boss Club offers GrabExpress promos or vouchers which you may also offer to your customers!
Referral Incentives
Turn your megasale customers into your brand ambassadors by encouraging them to refer your store to their friends and family members. Offering referral incentives to both the referrer and the referred can help you spread the word about your brand quickly and conveniently.
Megasale events are not just an opportunity to increase your profits; it’s also a perfect time to widen the reach of your brand and convert one-time buyers into returning customers. Follow these tips to be discovered by customers and to convert them into your suki—and feed 2 birds with 1 scone. That’s exactly what a madiskarteng business owner will do!