Hotline: 090 234 7535 - 090 234 3441 (HCM) 0902 346 355 - 0902 556 221 (HN)
Why GrabBike?
Introducing GrabNow
A new and convenient way of booking a GrabBike
How to use GrabBike
Choose GrabBike icon in Grab app
Do I need to download a GrabBike app?
Grab is an everyday super app for everyone. Users need to download a Grab app and book a service.
How is GrabBike’s fare calculated?
The total value of payments that users pay for services on the Grab application is the final cost displayed on the Grab app. The fee includes shipping fees, as well as including all taxes, fees, and surcharges. fees (if applicable) (except for the actual costs incurred, which will be notified by the document partner in advance to the user), and displayed specifically and clearly for the user to consider and consider before deciding. intended to use the service. Refer to Grab’s delivery service fee here
When is the operation time of GrabBike?
Grab does not stipulate a mandatory operating time for GrabBike driver-partners. Users can open the Grab app to check and book a ride.