Our largest pool of online taxi fleets in Vietnam that give you the freedom to travel from almost anywhere, at anytime.
Why GrabTaxi?
How To Use GrabTaxi
Choose GrabTaxi icon in Grab app
What time are the drivers working?
Our service operates 24 hours a day throughout the week, but subject to availability of taxis at the moment of booking.
What phones and OS are compatible with the app?
As long as you have either a Google Android (4.0.3 or above) or Apple iOS (8.0 or above) smartphone or tablet, then you’re good to go!
Can GrabTaxi be booked for the future
Currently, the future booking feature is no longer applicable for GrabTaxi.
Why is the fare on the app different from that on the taxi’s calculation?
When you use Grab’s service, your taxi fare is based on the taxi’s calculation system. The fare on the app is merely an approximate measurement of how much you would pay.