Here’s to a decade of our journeys together!

10 years. What a journey it has been.
Thank you especially for all the questions you’ve asked throughout the years.
They have inspired us to keep improving, and make every day better for everyone in Southeast Asia.

Watch how your questions have shaped our journey together.

10 years of journeys.
10 years of story.

We were able to go far on our journey, because we didn’t try to go alone. We went together.

Together with our partners, Grabbers, and consumers like you!

Together, we’ve also created many memorable stories along the way.

And to celebrate this momentous occasion, we’d like to share some of them with you.
Go check them out below!

10versary Sale 

We’ve come a long way and we couldn’t have done it without you. So our 10versary is not only ours but yours too! We’ve got all sorts of deals lined up for whatever you need from 1st August 2022 – 31st August 2022.