
Enjoy savings with recurring promos


Enjoy your favourite Grab services for less with a subscription plan that fits your lifestyle.

Why use us


More savings and benefits

Choose from a variety of subscription plans to help you enjoy more for less.


Hassle-free with auto-renewed subscriptions

Recurring payments via your OVO Cash wallet.


Cancel anytime

No strings attached, cancel your subscription anytime.

Our Commitment to Safety

You control who sees your information

Our app and backend systems employ best-in-class security frameworks that guard users’ accounts, transaction data, e-wallet, and other private information.

Every transaction is protected

Our app features are continually strengthened and protected by the latest technology and our stringent processes, so users can do what they need with peace of mind.

A safer experience for all

No consumer should have to feel unsafe while using any of our services. Grab is always on standby to ensure a smooth and secure experience.

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Got questions? We’ve got answers.

For more questions, please visit our Help Centre

  • Where can I find my voucher codes?

    Your Subscription Plan voucher codes will be listed in My Rewards.

    Access My Rewards via the Rewards icon on your Home Screen.

  • Are Subscriptions recurring?
    Bi-weekly plans:
    The plan will renew automatically, every 2 weeks from your purchase date.

    Monthly plans:
    The plan will renew automatically on the same date as your purchase date every month.

    So, if you bought your plan on 15 Feb, it will be renewed by 15 Mar. If you bought your plan on the last day of the month, e.g. 28 Feb, it will be renewed on the last day of the next month, 31 Mar. We will auto-deduct your Subscription Plan fee from your OVO balance at renewal date (billing date). There may be a 6-hour delay, don’t be alarmed if it's not immediate.
  • How can I pay for my plan?
    Currently, the only payment method accepted is OVO balance.

    Please always make sure that your OVO balance has sufficient balance at billing date, we will auto-deduct your plan fee from your balance.

    If you do not have your OVO balance set up, don't worry, it's a quick process. Just go to the top of your Home Screen, click on Activate, and enter the 4 digit code sent to your phone number.
  • How do I apply my voucher code?
    You can use your Subscription Plan voucher codes on eligible transactions. Application is the same as promo codes.

    For example, if you'd like to apply your voucher code on a GrabCar booking, select the Promo button, select your voucher, and click Use Now to apply.
  • Where can I view plans?

    You can find the Subscriptions page in your Grab app under service tiles.

    In your Subscriptions page:

    You will find all Subscription Plans available to you under the Browse tab
    You will find all Subscription Plans which you have purchased under the My Plans tab


Choose a plan and enjoy hassle-free savings on your favourite services.

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