Cari kebutuhanmu pakai GrabMart!

Cari di GrabMart selalu sampai

Pernah ga sih nyari tomat, bayam atau daging buat masak ga ketemu-ketemu? Terus, anak ikutan rewel nyari cemilan coklat, biskuit. Gak lama, suami pulang kerja nonstop nanya roti mana, mau soda pake es ada ga?

Semua sibuk nyari, tapi pasti ga bakal ketemu lah kalo cuma pakai mulut. Nah di sini nih, kalo cari sesuatu bakal langsung ketemu. Pakai GrabMart!

Ada diskon s.d. 30rb + gratis ongkir nih setiap belanja. Jangan nanti-nanti, yuk ke GrabMart biar semua pesananmu dikirim sejam sampai~

Cara Pesan Lewat GrabMart

Step 1
Select Mart on your Grab app

Step 2
Search for your favourite brand or item

Step 3
Select and add your item to basket

Step 4
Pesan dan tunggu pesananmu sampai dalam sejam!


GrabMart is an on-demand everyday goods delivery service. You can now buy groceries, packaged food, healthcare products, beauty products, gifts and many more via the Grab app and have it delivered to you under 1 hour.

Depending on the stores you are ordering from, you can purchase goods such as:

  • Packaged Food (bread, cookies, chocolates)
  • Drinks (juice, milk, coffee)
  • Healthcare Products (medicine, supplements, hand sanitizer)
  • Personal Care (shampoo, soap)
  • Household Products (laundry detergent, dishwashing liquid)
  • Gifts and others (books, flowers)

It’s easy, all you have to do is follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Grab app.
  2. Click on Mart icon.
  3. Make orders from the desired merchant. 

Currently, GrabMart is available in Jabodetabek, Bandung, Surabaya, Medan, Makassar, Manado, Bali, Balikpapan, Jambi, Lampung, Palembang, Mataram, Pekanbaru, Semarang, Yogyakarta. Stay tuned as we will expand to other cities in the future!


Fortunately, there is currently no minimum order required for GrabMart orders. However, a small order fee may be charged in some stores.