Langkawi, Malaysia

Langkawi International Airport (LGK) transfers

Why ride with us


Ride safe

Travel confidently with the safest ride-hailing service in Southeast Asia. Grab connects millions of passengers in the region with verified drivers, and monitored routes.


Fares Upfront

No need to practice your bargaining skills. Know your fares upfront when you book a ride*.
*Except GrabTaxi


No Language Barrier

Just type in your own language. We’ll understand! All messages via GrabChat are automatically translated to the local language.

How to get a ride


Get the app! We have many services but you'll want to use Transport for airport pick-ups.


Enter your destination in the field and check that your pick-up location is correct. Book the ride that suits your group size and luggage needs.


Follow the in-app directions to meet your driver at the pick up location. You'll be able to communicate with them in the app. So fret not and enjoy the city!

Rides for every passenger

Available services could differ across Malaysia



Find the nearest car or taxi, with upfront fixed fare. For up to 4 passengers with 2 check-in luggage.

Find the nearest car or taxi, with upfront fixed fare. For up to 4 passengers with 2 check-in luggage.

GrabCar Plus

Comfortable sedans driven by top-rated drivers. For up to 4 passengers with 2 check-in luggage.

Comfortable sedans driven by top-rated drivers. For up to 4 passengers with 2 check-in luggage.

GrabCar 6-seater

A ride for up to 6 passengers, or for 4 passengers with extra luggage.

A ride for up to 6 passengers, or for 4 passengers with extra luggage.

Pick-up points



International arrivals

  • Langkawi International Airport - Arrival

    1. From baggage claim area, head towards arrival gate.

    2. From arrival gate, head towards Perfumes & Cosmetics store then turn left.

    3. Then continue straight towards Charles & Keith store.

    4. Then exit through Door 2.

    5. Meet your Grab driver at pick up location.


Domestic arrivals


Got questions? We’ve got answers.

For more questions, please visit our Help Centre.

  • How do I pay for my ride?
    You can pay with cash, or pay in-app by adding your credit or debit card details. Just choose your preferred method when booking your ride.
  • How do I find the pick up point to meet my driver?
    Follow the image directions in the app, that appear when you book a ride. There may also be signs at the airport to the ride hailing pick up area.
  • How do I contact my driver?
    Tap “Message” in the app and click “Chat” to message your driver. GrabChat has a translation feature for easy communication. Your chat history will be deleted upon completion of your ride.
  • Can the driver see my number?
    No, your driver will only be able to see your name, profile photo, and booking details. If you need to communicate, you can do this through GrabChat in the app.