Bali, Indonesia
Travel confidently with the safest ride-hailing service in Southeast Asia. Grab connects millions of passengers in the region with verified drivers, and monitored routes.
No need to practice your bargaining skills. Know your fares upfront when you book a ride*.
*Except GrabTaxi
Just type in your own language. We’ll understand! All messages via GrabChat are automatically translated to the local language.
Get the app! We have many services but you'll want to use Transport for airport pick-ups.
Enter your destination in the field and check that your pick-up location is correct. Book the ride that suits your group size and luggage needs.
Follow the in-app directions to meet your driver at the pick up location. You'll be able to communicate with them in the app. So fret not and enjoy the city!
Available services could differ across Indonesia
Take private rides for up to 4 passengers and up to 60kg baggages, at affordable fares.
Take private rides for up to 4 passengers and up to 60kg baggages, at affordable fares.
Skip the crowded streets and travel like a local on the back of a motorbike, with affordable prices.
*Not available for pick up from airports, available across Indonesia for solo riders. Helmet is provided.
Skip the crowded streets and travel like a local on the back of a motorbike, with affordable prices.
*Not available for pick up from airports, available across Indonesia for solo riders. Helmet is provided.
Premium MPV fleets for business or special occasions. For up to 4 passengers with 2 check-in luggage.
Premium MPV fleets for business or special occasions. For up to 4 passengers with 2 check-in luggage.
Travel in comfort with 0% emission*.
Travel in comfort with 0% emission*.
Rent a car and driver from 4 hours up to 12 hours, and enjoy unlimited rides while exploring.
Rent a car and driver from 4 hours up to 12 hours, and enjoy unlimited rides while exploring.
1. From the baggage claim area, walk through the money changer area towards the exit.
2. From the money changer, continue walking towards WHSmith.
3. From WHSmith continue walking straight towards the exit.
4. Continue walking through the exit next to Starbucks.
5. From the exit, walk towards the parking lot building.
6. Continue walking straight to the grab lounge.
7. You will reach the pickup point and meet the driver at the Grab Lounge.
1. From the arrival gate, turn left and head towards the domestic arrival park.
2. From the domestic arrival park to the further corridor go straight.
3. Continue walking straight through Indomaret until the road crossing.
4. After crossing the street, continue to turn right through the corridor to the grab lounge.
5. You will arrive at the domestic grab lounge.
1. Follow the directions to the domestic arrivals area.
2. Walk towards the baggage claim area.
3. Continue walking towards the domestic arrival exit.
4. From the domestic arrival exit, walk to the EV Grab Car Booth.
5. You will arrive at the grab pick-up point near the domestic arrival exit.
For more questions, please visit our Help Centre.
You can pay with cash, or pay in-app by adding your credit or debit card details. Just choose your preferred method when booking your ride.